Is Being Too Comfortable In Your Job Causing You To Lose Out On Life?

Imagine this scenario: You’ve been resenting your job for a while…

At first, you were excited about the job offer. But now you feel like you’re wasting your time indoors on Zoom calls instead of enjoying the sun outside.

The office politics are constantly taking up brain space as you try to stay on everyone’s good side (it’s a losing game).

And you’re really tired of putting your personal life on hold for a paycheque.

Is this “All there is?”, you wonder… Are you destined to spend 90% of your time in mediocrity until retirement?

Maybe that’s just life.

But then again…there’s a part of you that KNOWS you’re meant for more.

And there’s got to be more to life than this…

Yet…you’re just not ready to storm into your boss’s office to say,

“I QUIT. ”

After all, you do like the stability of a paycheque. And who are we kidding, we’re in a pandemic and you’re lucky to even have work in these “unprecedented times.”….

So you think,

“This is ok for now.”

The weeks fly by…3 months pass…1 year…

Your soul is drained, you’ve become one of the frustrated and cynical ones.

You feel blindsided. You thought you had so much time. How could you have been so mistaken?

The truth is, the cost of a mediocre career creeps up on you…

… And usually culminates in a tragic layoff, depression or on your deathbed when you wonder how you wasted so many years caught up in the daily grind.

I know this is incredibly frustrating because it seems to be what everyone has to deal with, so why should you be any different?

But stay with me here because I’m going to reveal a truth about work most employees will never know:

Let me ask you a question, and be honest with your answer:

Have you given yourself total, unabashed permission to live a fulfilling,  exciting life you love?

Because I have news for you: If, deep down, you still have a nagging feeling that you may not be “one of the lucky ones…”

… You are enslaving yourself to mediocrity for the rest of your life.

When you’re out there in the daily grind, I want you to remember, and BELIEVE, this:

You are capable and deserving of a life that’s extraordinary.

And the ticket to that life isn’t to “do your time,” prove yourself at the next partners meeting or apply to 200 more online job postings.

It’s to give yourself permission to make that new life a reality.

It might not happen tomorrow but it can happen faster than you think.

For example…

  • My client Marisol, who goes by the motto, “We have a power of choice. I can choose to be the victim or I can be the winner” did THREE things to enter a new career direction and get out of a role that was wrong for her.

A logistician who wanted to be an environmentalist, Marisol had forgotten about her true passion.

Here’s what she did:

  1. She uncovered her value – the side of her that had been drowned in busywork.
  2. She redid her online profiles, cover letters and CV to showcase that value in such a way that potential employers see her as the TOP specialist in the field.
  3. She used my tried-and-tested messaging templates to contact employers within the hidden job market.

Within just two weeks she landed her first two interviews in environment and health, her dream sector.
She’s now a specialist in her field, doing something she loves!

  • Another client of mine – Magi – had reached a plateau working in finance. Her goal was to transition to operations, increase her income and have a social impact.

Having no clue HOW to get there, she did the usual – networking events and the like…
She dove into our program and went all in for a career upgrade.
Here’s what we helped her do:

  1. Communicate her value. We showed her how to get employers to see her as that specialist they need for her new target role.
  2. Got offers to come to her. Instead of applying and hoping to get noticed, she implemented everything we told her about accessing the hidden job market. Then she had employers reach out to her with offers making it easy to negotiate the transition and a raise.
  3. Drop skepticism. About whether your goals are realistic. About whether it can really work for you. Magi was totally skeptical but decided to take the plunge and do something different.

A few months later, she was celebrating a promotion to operations, an almost 20% raise AND being elected president of an NGO!
…All this despite being one of the youngest around.

When you get these things right – you find opportunities appearing at your doorstep.

You don’t get employers telling you to check the job board. You don’t get told you’re under- or overqualified.

You don’t run the rat race.

This is career freedom.

If you’d like the opportunity to hit your next career goals as an industry leader – ask me about the Accelerate Your Ambitions programme.