

You can learn anything on Google. So why isn’t everyone in perfect shape, rolling in the millions and living on a beach in Bermuda (or maybe you prefer Bali),


Information isn’t implementation.

There are certain skills everyone THINKS they have and can just brush up on with a Google search or a Udemy course.

Most professionals think they have good networking and personal branding skills.

After all that’s probably how they got their current position.

But here’s the thing.

New outcomes require new/and or uplevelled skills.

Take my example –

I used to think I was a pretty good writer and communicator (I mean, that’s actually my job).

Then I went to someone for advice who explained I still needed to improve if I wanted to reach my goals.

I was reluctant but I put aside my ego and skepticism and invested what ended up being 20k, give or take, on improving my communication and writing skills.

My income doubled over the next year.

Could I have learned to be a better writer for free over Google? Of course.

If I’d spent all day every day Googling and thinking about what to improve and practicing and tweaking I might have reached the same level over the next 10 years.

For me it’s time much better invested to hire someone to look at my what I’m doing and tell me directly: “Do more of this. Stop doing that.”

Anyway, You’d think after all that I can now say I’m a master writer right?


I’m still working at it and I have a long way to go.

That’s because if you tell yourself you’ve “arrived”…

…your career is over.

Keep seeking out new ways of doing things and improving the skills you have.

That’s how you become someone others (trying to do anything BUT invest in their skill) come to asking

“hey! Can I pick your brain for advice?



If you have questions or need any kind of assistance, contact me by sending me a message, click here!


★Join my free Masterclass “4 Insider Secrets to Go From Unfulfilled to Highly-Paid Work You Love”: https://www.AccelerateYourAmbitions.com/FreeClass


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Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dalia.lourenco/

Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/dalia.lourenco.33

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Dalia Lourenço is a career coach who helps her clients go from struggling to figure out their purpose to getting their dream job in as little as 8 weeks. She is a communications expert with more than a decade of experience in over 24 international roles across 10 countries.