How Fear of Risk Leads to Losing Out

When it comes to that big change, the most successful professionals are understandably afraid.

What if this is as good as it gets?

What if I lose it everything I’ve built so far?

What if it’s all a huge failure and I should stick to what I’m good at?

Change can feel risky.

However, it’s really important to think about the costs and the risk of trying to play safe.

Based on my interactions with over 400 professionals around the world, here are at least 4 ways I’ve seen playing it safe can actually harm your career – the very opposite of what you intended!

Why playing it safe is a risk you can’t afford to take in your career

If you’re not growing you’re dying. It’s cliché but true.

Staying in safe mode will not only make your professional abilities go stale but will also degrade your motivation and kill momentum.

That inertia makes it even more difficult to create change down the line.


It’s ironic to fear failure when staying where you are in a mediocre job that’s not fulfilling your potential means you are guaranteed to NOT win.

Over time this DAILY failure turns you into an unhappy zombie who pays bills.

If THAT’s not the ultimate failure…

… I don’t know what is.


Fear of competition is a common setback for most people when they start a career transition.

They think, “How will I ever compete with all others who are already far more established?”

But what do you think will happen to you if you stay in a boring job where you aren’t motivated to go above and beyond your call of duty?

You just cannot fake motivation for very long. Someone else more keen and willing WILL replace you.

This leads up to the next point…


Even the most “secure” positions are obliterated daily.

I knew someone who had a stable, permanent position she didn’t want to give up to chase some vague dream.

But she ended up losing her job anyway after more than 20 years with her employer.

Now she’s stuck without options.

Therefore, you are your best guarantee in life.

And that discontent is a clue that you are meant for a greater purpose.

If you don’t figure out what you want and go out and get it…

…that opportunity won’t just “come along.”

Where else have you seen people lose out after trying to stay safe?


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Dalia Lourenço is a career coach who helps her clients go from struggling to figure out their purpose to getting their dream job in as little as 8 weeks. She is a communications expert with more than a decade of experience in over 24 international roles across 10 countries.