3 Steps to Stop Struggling with Confidence

“I’m trying to feel more confident but perpetual self-doubt and mental blocks are holding me back from my potential. How can I stop struggling with confidence?”

Came across this question in a Facebook group recently. People had PLENTY of advice:

1. Read a book. (The person asking already reads books and does personal development courses.)

2. Go to a psychiatrist. (She tried it. Felt weird. Didn’t improve confidence)

3. Get more experience. (She already has a PhD and multiple years of experience.)

3. Do hynotherapy.

4. “Fake it ’till you make it.”

5. Go dancing.

6. Meditate.

7. Use CBD. (That’s one of the main active ingredients in cannabis, in case you didn’t know.)

Now, I’m sure all of these things can boost confidence to a degree.

But fill that wide crevasse of emptiness which is the gap between who you are now and who you want to be?

The confusion of “am I on the right track or have I climbed the wrong ladder?”

That pit of “IS THIS ALL THERE IS?”

Well, there’s only one way to solve that.

And that’s to actually BECOME the person you want to be who is ACHIEVING and DOING the things you’ve been dreaming about.

If you’re in a job that’s ho-hum and you know you’re meant for more…

If there are adventures you’ve been dreaming of – places you could be, things you’d rather be doing with your time on this planet that you’re NOT doing…

… It’s no wonder you lack confidence.

How to stop struggling with confidence

When it comes to overcoming career confidence blocks you need 3 things:

  1. PURPOSE. What is the point of you being here anyway? What is it you were born to do? When you know your purpose you have a special fire that lights you up every day.
  2. A PLAN OF ACTION. One of the worst confidence saboteurs is literally not knowing what to do. Being an ambitious professional stuck in feelings of directionless-ness and uncertainty is the worst. As an ambitious person you thrive on clarity of action and movement!
  3. IMPACT. When you see that people actually want to pay you lots of money for the thing that comes naturally to you and that you love you feel fantastic about yourself and your future.

This is how one of my clients went from crying during our first sessions to effortlessly selling herself to high-level movers and shifters in a new sector. All because she’s found her perfect new direction and uncovered her most valuable skillset.

Once you know your purpose and are actually living it – earning the income you want, doing what you love and making an impact – confidence is a NATURAL byproduct.

You do not need to “fake it till you make it”

read a bunch of books

or hire a confidence coach.

Lack of confidence comes from confusion about “what is my direction and mission” along with lacking the tools to translate that drive into income and impact.

The lesson: We can all stop trying to “fix” lack of confidence through these bandaid solutions and get on with doing what we were born to do.

P.S. Book a session and I’ll help you figure out exactly why you’re struggling with confidence. When people have done these sessions with me in the past, they end up with a plan for their future after being stuck in awful self-doubt and confusion for ages.

If that’s you, book for your free here.

On our call together I’ll help you out with your specific confidence block. When people have done these sessions with me in the past, they end up with a plan for their future after being stuck in awful self-doubt and confusion for ages.

Here’s the link: AccelerateYourAmbitions.com/Apply