How Can You Save the Amazon, Achieve World Peace and Stop Global Warming?

The other day my past client who is an awesome artist involved in a number of social issues pointed out that a lot of people are crying “stop praying for the Amazon! Prayers do nothing!”

It’s driving her crazy that no one’s saying WHAT to do instead.

I think a lot of us are feeling the same sense of powerlessness and outrage.

Here’s the thing though – most of us spend our days doing things that are destructive or – at best – meaningless.

For example, I have a client right now who started working with me because he was tired of being a pawn for a finance firm that was actually making people poor and homeless.

I don’t want to get into the politics of the housing crisis or the Amazon forest fires (because there are plenty of other places for that) BUT –

There is something to be said for choosing your cause and becoming an expert in it.

How to Save the Amazon (and Stop Global Warming and Achieve World Peace…)

When you become a specialist in a mission-driven career you realize things are even more complex than you thought. More shades of grey, less black and white.

For some that makes them cynical and give up.

For the people I work with, that’s when they know they’re getting beyond surface-level “All you need is love!” “Stop climate change!”

It means they’re becoming the experts they need to be to take serious action.

Social media awareness and advice to cut plastic bag use or eat less meat is great.

But a lot of the problems we face are decades in the making, highly nuanced and require a different level of expertise and influence.

Imagine if we all had the expertise and position to create change for the causes we care most about and were actually dedicating our energy to solving them?

What would the world be like then? How would you feel about what you’re doing with your life?



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Dalia Lourenço is a career coach who helps her clients go from struggling to figure out their purpose to getting their dream job in as little as 8 weeks. She is a communications expert with more than a decade of experience in over 24 international roles across 10 countries.